Kue Lidah Kucing Moka Kacang
Bahan :
• 125 gram mentega
• 50 gram gula bubuk ayak
• 15 gram susu bubuk
• ¼ sdt garam halus
• ¼ sdt vanili bubuk
• 1 sdm pasta moka
• 100 gram putih telur
• 25 gram gula pasir halus
• 50 gram kacang tanah, goreng, haluskan.
• 20 gram almond iris, untuk hiasan
Untuk dicampur dan diayak :
• 100 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
• 15 gram tepung meizena
Cara Membuat :
1. Olesi cetakan lidah kucing dengan margarine tebal – tebal.
2. Kocok mentega, gula bubuk, susu bubuk, garam, dan vanili hingga mengembang. Masukkan terigu campur, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan pasta moca, aduk rata. Tambahkan kacang tanah, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
4. Kocok putih telur hingga naik, masukkan gula pasir, kocok hingga kaku.
5. Aduk bahan hingga rata, masukkan ke dalam adonan putih telur, aduk rata.
6. Masukkan adonan kedalam kantung plastic segitiga rangkap dua, gunting sedikit ujungnya, semprotkan ke cetakan lidah kucing. Beri sepotong almond diatasnya.
7. Panggang dalam oven panas hingga matang dan kuning kecokelatan.
8. Angkat, dinginkan. Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.
• 125 grams butter
• 50 grams of powdered sugar sifter
• 15 grams of milk powder
• ¼ tsp fine salt
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla powder
• 1 tablespoon mocha paste
• 100 grams egg whites
• 25 grams sugar
• 50 grams of peanuts, fried, mashed.
• 20 grams of almond slices, for garnish
For the mixed and sifted:
• 100 grams of low-protein flour
• 15 grams of flour meizena
How to Make:
1. Grease with butter a cat's tongue print thick - thick.
2. Beat butter, powdered sugar, milk powder, salt, and vanilla until fluffy. Stir in the flour mix and stir well.
3. Enter HSDPA / paste and stir well. Add peanuts and stir well. Set aside.
4. Beat the egg whites until up, enter the sugar, beat until stiff.
5. Stir the ingredients until a flat, enter the egg whites into the batter and stir well.
6. Put the mixture into plastic bags a double triangle, a little tip scissors, spray the cat's tongue print. Give a piece of almond topping.
7. Bake in hot oven until cooked and golden brown.
8. Remove, let cool. Store in an airtight container.